Preserving Arctic Sea Ice, Slowing Climate Tipping Points.
Stopping Arctic ice melt is all-hands-on-deck
The Arctic is warming nearly four times faster than the rest of the globe, resulting in critical loss of reflective Arctic sea ice. This ice melt drives warming and destabilization trends worldwide. Continued accelerated ice melt will increase the severity and frequency of climate related hazards and lead to an existential global crisis.
Sunlight melts ice.
We can block it.
By spreading a thin layer of reflective glass beads that function ecologically like sand over key portions of the Arctic, Arctic Ice Project can protect young ice through the summer and stop the feedback loop of melting long, allowing strong, reflective, “old ice” to form. This technology could provide the world with up to 15 years to decarbonize.
That’s Where we Come in
At Arctic Ice Project, our mission zeroes in on a pivotal factor in the Arctic crisis: melting sea ice. By covering key portions of the Arctic in a thin layer of tiny, silica-based beads which ecologically function akin to sand, we aim to enhance reflectivity, reduce the absorption of solar energy, curtail the pace of melting, and stave off the heat exchange between warming oceans and the fragile Arctic atmosphere, stabilizing the global climate.
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As the ice retreats, the cycle of melting accelerates, amplifying Arctic warming which in turn contributes significantly to global climate shifts. Our initiative to amplify the ice’s reflective quality acts as a buffer, buying crucial time as humanity grapples with the challenge of decarbonizing.
Yet, we are clear-eyed about the broader challenge. While our efforts play a crucial role, the ultimate reversal of global warming entails rapid and global decarbonization.

Arctic Ice Project’s work was conducted in partnership with the following organizations: