Arctic Ice Project has made the difficult decision to conclude our research and begin the process of winding down operations. Learn more about our recent scientific findings and what this means for our future.

The Approach

In the face of a vanishing Arctic, we at Arctic Ice Project feel the weight of every moment. But our commitment is not just to act – it’s to act wisely. We and our partners ensure each step taken is backed by rigorous research and are committed to an inclusive and comprehensive process.

There’s a Crisis in the Arctic

The Arctic is sounding an alarm we can’t ignore. Its temperature is rising four times faster than anywhere else on Earth, evolving from a casualty of global warming to an accelerator. For millennia, a vast icy expanse shielded the Arctic ocean. Yet now, we stand at the precipice of witnessing its first ice-free summer within the decade—a first in over four million years. 

The mechanics behind this alarming shift is simple but profound: Arctic sea ice, depending on its thickness, bounces back between 30-80% of the sun’s rays. As ice retreats, it uncovers darker ocean waters which soak up around 90% of sunlight. This absorption accelerates the warming, melting more ice in a relentless cycle. 

With sunlight illuminating the Arctic for nearly 24 hours a day for months on end each summer, the stakes are even higher.  

That’s Where we Come in

At Arctic Ice Project, our mission zeroes in on a pivotal factor in the Arctic crisis: melting sea ice. By covering key portions of the Arctic in a thin layer of tiny, silica-based beads which ecologically function akin to sand, we aim to enhance reflectivity, reduce the absorption of solar energy, curtail the pace of melting, and stave off the heat exchange between warming oceans and the fragile Arctic atmosphere, stabilizing the global climate.

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As the ice retreats, the cycle of melting accelerates, amplifying Arctic warming which in turn contributes significantly to global climate shifts. Our initiative to amplify the ice’s reflective quality acts as a buffer, buying crucial time as humanity grapples with the challenge of decarbonizing. 

Yet, we are clear-eyed about the broader challenge. While our efforts play a crucial role, the ultimate reversal of global warming entails rapid and global decarbonization.

Material Performance

At Arctic Ice Project, we are rigorously studying Hollow Glass Microspheres (HGMs) for optimal reflectivity and resilience. After fine-tuning these materials in dynamic seawater simulations, we will select the best-performing HGMs for field testing. Our methodical approach ensures we deploy the most effective solutions to preserve the Arctic.

Safety and Ecotoxicology


At Arctic Ice Project, the safety of marine ecosystems is paramount. We rigorously examine how Hollow Glass Microspheres (HGMs) interact with marine micro-organisms and their potential effects on the Arctic food chain. Our peer-reviewed findings drive further tests on a wide array of marine species, ensuring our solutions are environmentally responsible.

Modeling and Simulation

Arctic Ice Project utilizes the cutting-edge climate model CESM2.0, running 10-member ensembles to meticulously evaluate the impact of Hollow Glass Microspheres (HGMs). We’re honing in on the Beaufort Gyre to determine the climatic ramifications of HGM applications and, if significant, we’ll publish our findings for broader scientific scrutiny. We’re currently working towards an expansion of our modeling insights. This work guides our field study designs, and international validations ensure we’re poised for real-world applications.

Field Studies

At Arctic Ice Project, field studies will only begin once we have ensured our HGM methodology is scientifically sound. We’re meticulously planning a targeted field deployment, including future collaborations with global partners and outreach and governance discussions with local and regional communities and governments. Our approach is driven by data, respect for local ecosystems, and an unwavering commitment to the Arctic’s protection.

Research Pathline

Our principal research centers around the unique properties of hollow glass microspheres (HGMs). Recognized globally for their varied commercial uses, HGMs captivate our attention due to their inherent high reflectivity. Moreover, their hydrophilic nature, buoyancy, and alkalinity upon dissolution in sea water position them as an ideal tool in our quest to protect Arctic ice.

Our research meticulously traces the journey of HGMs in Arctic waters, studying their potential interactions with the region’s intricate marine ecosystem. We’re invested in ensuring these microspheres not only reflect sunlight effectively but also exist harmoniously within the Arctic environment, causing minimal disruptions.

Alongside our research into safety and efficacy, computational modeling and simulation form a cornerstone of our strategy. Through these tools, we anticipate the real-world efficacy of HGMs in ice conservation and assess the broader climatic ramifications of our intervention, thereby shaping our future action plans.

Our commitment to thoroughness extends to real-world tests. Preliminary studies have already shown promising results with HGM-treated ice outlasting its untreated counterparts. Field testing in the Arctic ocean, while planned for the future, will not be undertaken until and unless our current research efforts as described above indicate that HGMs can be safely deployed into the Arctic ocean’s natural environment. 

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